How can I witness to my Mormon husband without an argument?



“I have been married to a Mormon man for almost 9 years now. I am a committed Christian and I have never been Mormon. Before my husband and I were married, I made it very clear to him and his Mormon family that I would never convert to Mormonism. They have always accepted me with open arms. The haven’t tried to pressure me into anything.

My husband was raised in the Mormon religion and comes from a long line of Mormons, but isn’t very active in it at all. I have tried for 9 years now to talk to him about his religion, but we always end up having a huge argument. We love each other in a way that you don’t see very often anymore. I know God has truly sent him to me to be my soul mate. We have two children and he is open to me taking them to my church instead of his.  He says that he is just glad that they are getting some sort of religion in their lives.

I have been reading books and watching movies and visiting several websites, and it just blows my mind on the things that Mormons are said to believe. I know my husband and my in-laws and I just can’t see them believing these things. Like I said every time religion is brought up in our house it causes a big argument. So, I called my pastor one day and ask him for some help and he told me to read 1 Peter chapter 3, and it has helped me tremendously.  I used to yell and talk really down on the Mormon religion and now I know what God has instructed me to do.

I would still LOVE any advice you all could give me on how I should handle my situation. My mother-in-law is Mormon but she also listens to Christian TV pastors and even goes to some of their events. I have hope that God will open her eyes to the TRUTH and she will be the one who reaches my husband. As of right now, I don’t see much change in her mind, but I have faith in God. Do you have any suggestions for me?”


Dear friend,

From what you’re sharing, it sounds like the Lord is already using you as a light to your husband and his Mormon family. The fact that your husband and his family are not pressuring you into Mormonism and respect your Christian faith enough to allow you to take the kids to your church, indicates that the fruit of this Scripture is taking root in your home.

“In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.” —1 Peter 3:1

You mentioned that you find it hard to think that your husband’s LDS family believes the strange doctrines of Mormonism. Although your husband and his family have been Mormons for a long time, this doesn’t mean that they truly know all of the deep doctrines of the Mormon Church.  It is not uncommon for someone who was raised in Mormonism, but who hasn’t served a “mission” for the Mormon Church, to be unaware of the deeper doctrines of the LDS Church.  We call these Mormons “cultural Mormons” because they may have accepted the family-value structure of this religion, but are unaware of the unique doctrinal origin of this structure.

To them, Mormonism is more of a culture, than it is a belief system.  In essence, they are in “love” with the Mormon Church and all of its family-friendly programs.  So, as long as the LDS Church is meeting their emotional needs, these people care less about the inconsistencies within this religion’s doctrinal system than they do the emotional support they receive.

It sounds like this might be the type of family you have. In this case, we would suggest that you continue to use love to reach out to your husband and his family as you have been doing. The best witness you can give is to demonstrate by your life, the contrast between performing for God’s forgiveness verses the peace of resting in God’s forgiveness already imputed to you in Christ. The questions in the following article will help prepare you to challenge their works-based salvation in a loving way:

bullets  QUESTIONS FOR LDS ON THE IMPOSSIBLE GOSPEL OF MORMONISM — A Verse-by-Verse Presentation from LDS Scripture

It is important that you first allow the law of Mormonism to break your husband’s pride before you endeavor to share the grace-alone message of salvation, for if you share about grace before he is broken with the law, he will think grace is too easy.  So, we recommend that you read this article thoroughly and write these questions down in your own handwriting on a pad of paper to keep in your Bible, making note of the verses to use, not only from the Bible, but also from his own LDS Scripture books.

When your husband or his family asks you why you are quoting from their books, remind them that you are asking them questions based upon what they accept as their spiritual authority. Ask them what their religion has to offer you, since their church claims to have a “more” complete view of the Gospel than your church has to offer.  This article will help to guide you in the process of sharing truth in one of the least confrontational ways that we use. It can make them hungry for the peace that the REAL Gospel of Jesus Christ can give.  May God bless you as you shine His light into your husband’s life and the lives of his dear Mormon family! 

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