“And now, verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God.”—Doctrine and Covenants, Section 82:7
Have you stopped sinning? What about heart sins like envy, lust, strife, and pride? Are you sure you will never repeat these sins?
“By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins —behold, he will confess them and forsake them.” —Doctrine and Covenants, 58:43
How can the God of Mormonism promise you forgiveness when he holds you accountable for every sin you repeatedly commit?
“Those who receive forgiveness and then repeat the sin are held accountable for their former sins.” —Gospel Principles, p. 253
Who will you trust? The God of Mormonism or the God of the Bible?
“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”—Psalm 103:12
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