How to remove your name from the LDS Chuch’s membership records

LDS Temple


If you want to have your name removed from the LDS Church’s membership records, you must make your letter strong and to the point.  Although some may feel that this type of approach is too harsh, we have learned that if you do not make it forceful in this manner, they will delay your request and harass you as to your reasons for leaving with the hopes of getting you to change your mind. We know it works, and anyone wanting to remove their name can use the following format and sample letter.  Many people are afraid to be this stern, but it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!  Below is a copy of the cover information that one Ex-Mormon couple used to remove their names from the LDS Church’s records. They testified that when they used this format:

“We received a response before the 30 days were up and a letter stating that our names had been removed, but they wanted to make that sure we knew what we were doing because it would jeopardize our eternal salvation, and they would be more than happy to have us return to the church.  What a joke.  We are happy to be free at last!”

Please be advised that you must file a letter in writing to the membership department of the Church’s “confidential records” in Salt Lake City, your Stake President, and your Bishop. This should be done by typing a letter (not hand writing it), and sending copies of the same letter to all three by Certified Mail with Return Receipt or by Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation. It is important that you select the “Return Receipt” or the “Delivery Confirmation” option for these services to require the recipient’s signature. This eliminates your chances of the LDS Church returning your letter. Address your letter to the LDS Church’s records department in Salt Lake at:

LDS Membership Records Department
50 E North Temple Room 1372
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-5310

If you don’t already know the names and addresses of your Bishop and Stake President, you may obtain their information by calling the LDS Church boundaries office at:  (801) 240-3500

When you call this number, inform the operator that you need to know who your Bishop and your Stake President are. Tell them your address (You may give them your name or use a different name; it doesn’t matter. You are seldom asked, so often you don’t even have to give them your name.) Ask for the names and addresses of your Bishop and Stake President. They will give it to you without question.

Your letter must contain the following:

  1. Your name, address, and date of birth. State that you want your name and the names of your children and spouse (if applicable) removed from the records of the Church as well.
  2. State that this decision is final and you wish no contact.
  3. Emphasize that you do not want the word “excommunication” used in connection with this request. You must threaten to go to the press or ACLU or an attorney if this request is not honored.
  4. Emphasize that this is to be done within 30 days.
  5. Feel free to express yourself in any way regarding the Church or your new found faith. This is optional.
  6. Talk to no one in the church until you receive written notice of the removal of your name(s).


SAMPLE RESIGNATION LETTER (Names, Addresses, Birth Dates, Stake and Ward information has been changed to maintain the privacy of the individuals involved.)

Luke P. Kimball
911 Scenery Drive
Smith, UT 84000

November 10, 2008

LDS Membership Records Department
50 E North Temple Room 1372
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-5310

James Smith – Stake President
123 James Smith Street,
Smith, UT 84000

John Smith – Bishop
555 John Smith Street,
Smith, UT 84000

Dear Sirs:

We, the undersigned, do hereby request the removal of the membership records of our family from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including: Luke P. Kimball whose date of birth is 03/09/1972, Lucy R. Kimball whose date of birth is 7/15/1973, Stephen J. Kimball whose date of birth is 09/10/1995, and Susan E. Kimball whose date of birth is 06/24/1998.

We request that any Church prescribed waiting period be waived, and that this request be processed immediately, as our decision is final and not subject to discussion with any representative from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at any level be it ward, stake or otherwise.

We are voluntarily leaving the LDS church and demand that the term “excommunication” not be used in any correspondence concerning this matter. Our family does not wish to be the subject of any controversy, conversation or innuendo among the members of the Canyon Valley Second Ward or other companion wards which constitute the Provo Canyon Valley Stake of the LDS church. The source of any controversy, conversation or innuendo can easily be identified because this notice is being sent only to those who have direct charge of our records. Violation of this confidentiality will be appropriately dealt with.

Be it hereby known that we are not resigning our membership because of any “sin” on our part as is commonly alleged when persons leave the church. Nor are we resigning our membership because of the actions of any member(s) of the Provo Canyon Valley Stake or more particular, the Canyon Valley Second Ward. Furthermore, we are not resigning our membership due to any personality conflicts or human relationships.

We ask only that you honor our request immediately and that we receive written indication from the Salt Lake membership department verifying compliance with our request. We know that this should not take more than 30 days. We know it to be a common practice for church leaders to procrastinate requests of this nature. We urge you not to do so and again reiterate that this is our final decision and not subject to discussion. Once we have received verification that our names have been removed from the records of the church you may continue the warm and congenial relationships to which we are accustomed.

Page 2:

LDS Membership
James Smith
John Smith

However, you should be aware that in order to protect the integrity of our family it would be our intention to commence a letter writing campaign, notify national media interests, and initiate legal proceedings should this matter not be handled in a timely manner and in total compliance with our request. Likewise, steps would be taken if the church or its membership takes any efforts to embarrass, harass, harm or defame our family in any way because of this request.

Our goal as a family is to strengthen our relationship with God individually and collectively. We believe that the spiritual welfare of our family is at stake and is the primary concern and reason for this request.

We believe that God loves all of His people and cannot be lobbied by special interest groups for a better seat in His kingdom. We believe a church should not be a hotel for perfect saints, but a hospital for those in need of His healing. May God bless us all in our personal endeavors to follow Him.

Yours truly,

Luke P. Kimball 03/09/1972

Lucy R. Kimball 7/15/1973

Stephen J. Kimball 09/10/1995

Susan E. Kimball 06/24/1998

For more information see:

bullets AFTER MORMONISM WHAT? – What To Do When You Leave the LDS Church

bullets How to Find a Good Church and Recognize Satan’s Deceptions (

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